Freitag 19. April 2024


Sonntag der Völker - Sunday of the Peoples

On Sunday 30th September many of our Community joined other European speaking communities to celebrate Mass in Stephansdom, with our Auxillary Bishop Franz Scharl.

Each year the communities come together to celebrate their shared faith together, and to experience the differences and vitality of each others worship.


Afterwards, in the courtyard of the Archbishop's Palace, there was an opportunity to share food from each others countries.


There are now so many foreign langauge communites in Vienna, so we can't all fit in the Cathedral on the same day.  So the African, Latin American and Asian communities will gather in a few weeks time on World Mission Sunday.



Some of our community with Weihbishof Scharl.

Sonntag der VölkerSonntag der VölkerSonntag de Völker

Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien

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Darstellung: Standard - Mobil