Donnerstag 18. April 2024


Retreat Afternoon - Nationalfeiertag - Tuesday 26 October.

For many years the Vienna English Speaking community has made a Retreat to a Marian Shrine somewhere in Austria. This year we will stay close to home and visit the oldest Church in Vienna dedicated to the Mother of God.


We will gather in Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse, 1010 at 2pm.


Our time will begin with a meditation on two wonderful paintings from the life of Mary. (The Annunciation is shown here.)


Then there will be time to have a look around the Church, including the tomb of St Clement Hofbauer, the Patron Saint of Vienna.


We will end out time together by celebrating Mass.

Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien

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Darstellung: Standard - Mobil