Sonntag 22. September 2024
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien
F +43 (1) 533 95 94-9215


Ascension Day Mass

Thursday 9th May is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.  It is a Holy Day of Obligation here in Austria.


Christus, Hoffnung der Welt (Black Box Church) at 12.30pm

Holy Thursday

The Mass of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated in the Schlosskappele, Schönbrunn Palace on Thursday 28th March 2024.


Mass will begin at 18.30


It is best to travel with Public transport although some parking is available outside the Palace.

Good Friday

The Passion of the Lord will be commemorated in the Schlosskappele, Schönbrunn Palace on 29th March 2023.


It will begin at 18.30


It is best to travel with Public transport  although some parking is available outside the Palace.

The Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil will  be celebrated in the Schlosskappele, Schönbrunn Palace on Saturday 30th March.  With great joy we will celebrate the Baptism of several Adult members of our community during the Mass.


Mass will begin at 20.00.


(Please note, the gates to the Schönbrunn Park close at 8pm, so please make sure that you are there in good time, or you wont be able to enter.)


It is best to travel with Public transport although some parking is available outside the Palace.

Easter Sunday

Come and Celebrate the Ressurection of the Lord!


Sunday 21st March


10am Mexikoplatz, 1020


5pm Maria am Gestade, 1010

Ash Wednesday

We begin the 40 days of Lent on Ash Wednesday.  This is a day of Fasting and Abstinence.


Mass and Impostion of Ashes: Wednesday 14 February 7pm at Mexikoplatz


Growing together - Ecumencial Study day.

Ecumenical Study Day - Growing together – Joining with our brothers and sisters from other English Speaking communites in Vienna, Rev Robert Kinney will be our guide as we explore the essential connection between Christian unity and Spiritual maturity in 1 Corinthians.

Paul shares words of wisdom – words that might challenge us to mature in Christ, and so grow together in love. Join us as we take a look at 1 Corinthians and Paul’s message of hope in the midst of division.


Saturday March 23 from 10.30 to 15.00 at the Methodist Church in the 15th district.


There will be a cost of 20 Euro (7 Euro for Students!) for the day, includes a good lunch.


Registation is required.  Full details here


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Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien

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Darstellung: Standard - Mobil