Friday 14. February 2025
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien
F +43 (1) 533 95 94-9215


Resignation of metropolitan archbishop of Wien, Austria, and appointment of apostolic administrator sede vacante

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the metropolitan archdiocese of Wien, Austria, presented by His Eminence Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P.


The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Josef Grünwidl, of the clergy of the metropolitan archdiocese of Wien, Austria, and episcopal vicar of Unter dem Wienerwald, as apostolic administrator sede vacante of the same archdiocese.

Christian Mediatation

How you ever wondered how to Meditate? - Come along to our introduction to Christian Meditation.


On the following Sunday evenings at Maria am Gestade 4pm.   (12.1 , 26.1, 9.2, 23.2)


Click here for more information

Farewell to Cardinal Schönborn

After 30 years as Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP, is preparing to leave office.


On Saturday 18th January, there will be a farewell celebration in Stephansdom starting at 2pm. 


While it is not possible to attend without a ticket - you can watch it live on ORF 2.


A new Archbishop has not yet been appointed - so pray that we soon get another good Shepherd for the Church here in Vienna.

Christmas 2024

Join us as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus at Christmas.


Join us as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus at Christmas.


Tuesday 24th December - Christmas Eve

18.00 Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse 12, 1010 Wien


Wednesday 25th December - Christmas Day

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien


Sunday 29th December - Feast of the Holy Family

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien

17.00 Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse 12, 1010 Wien


Wednesday 1st January - Mary, Mother of God

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien


Sunday 5th January - 2nd Sunday after Christmas

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien

17.00 Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse 12, 1010 Wien


Monday 6th January - Feast of the Epiphany

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien


Sunday 12th January - Baptism of the Lord

10.00 Mexikoplatz Church, Mexikoplatz 2, 1020 Wien

17.00 Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse 12, 1010 Wien


All Souls

Friday 1 November is the great feast of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation here in Austria.


Mass will be celebrated at 10am in Mexikoplatz.

Ascension Day Mass

Thursday 9th May is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.  It is a Holy Day of Obligation here in Austria.


Christus, Hoffnung der Welt (Black Box Church) at 12.30pm

Holy Thursday

The Mass of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated in the Schlosskappele, Schönbrunn Palace on Thursday 28th March 2024.


Mass will begin at 18.30


It is best to travel with Public transport although some parking is available outside the Palace.

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Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien

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