Sonntag 22. September 2024


Diocesan Assembly 2018

Between 25-27 September over 1,700 delegates from all the Parishes, Communities, Religious Orders, and other organisations in the Archdiocese of Vienna came together in Stephansdom to reflect on the life of the Diocese and where it should go in the future.  Here are some of the highlights:-  Click on the title for more information.


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Outside of Stephansdom was a huge banner saying "Hier wird man Jünger"   Here you will become Disciples. 

Over three days the delegates were challenged to become true disciples of Christ - and to encourage others in, and outside of, their communities.


The Church can only grow when we become true Disciples of Jesus.  Each of us is called by our Baptism to be Prophet, Priest and King, to share in the ministry and work of the Church.


In workshops we discovered some 'best practice,' and were able to share individual experiences. In presentations we heard how the Diocesan Development plan is being implemented - many challenges remain.


It is clear that the number of Catholic attending Mass here in Vienna is declining, along with the number of Priests. Both bring many pressures.  


Rather than just accept the situation, we are rediscovering what it means to be a Missionary Church again.  We need to be an oasis of Welcome - of hospitality - of evangelisation - of invitation.


The future will not be easy - because it involves all of us, each and everyone of us.

When did you last invite a neighbour, friend, work colleague to come to Mass with you.....?

Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Englischsprachige Gemeinde
Salvatorg. 12
1010 Wien

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