The Roman-Catholic Church of Vienna
Dear member,
you have been living in Austria for some time, and as a Catholic you have probably visited a church, attended a church service or made use of one of the numerous facilities offered by the church.
For providing these opportunities (pastoral services, sacraments, church publications, charities) the Catholic Church of Austria, like in other countries, needs financial support from its members. As our priests are not paid directly for their services, they get their salaries from their local diocese.
Each member of the Catholic Church in Austria pays a part of his taxable income (about 1%) to his diocese. This payment is a sign of solidarity, and all contributions together enable the Catholic Church in Austria to fulfil its pastoral, charitable and cultural tasks. Contributions to the church are the main part of the revenues (75%).
You can help us to calculate your contribution accurately and in a fair way if you let us know the amount of your taxable income and if you inform us about your social situation. Therefore we would ask you politely to contact your office for contributions to the church.
Be sure that you are welcome in the community of the Roman Catholic Church of Austria, and its parishes are open for you.
Contributions to the church up to 600 Euros annually are tax-deductible.