Sonntag 6. Oktober 2024

The Archdiocese of Vienna

The Archdiocese of Vienna

is a Roman Catholic diocese, which includes the city of Vienna and the eastern half of the federal state of Lower Austria. Since 1995 the archbishop of Vienna is Dr. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP

Diocesan development process APG2.1: Mission first!

The Archdiocese of Vienna is in the middle of a process of change called APG2.1 in order to remain faithful to its mission in the world. Called to follow the school of Jesus, we are developing new structures of Church life in local communities. The mission of the Church, the enormous social changes and the scarcity of resources in the Church require a change in the Christian life of the individual and in the church structures.

"Mission first!": The Church is not an end in itself, instead Jesus Christ wants to lead his Church to serve as a sign and instrument of communion with God and the salvation of mankind.


The Diocese of Vienna was erected in 1469. St. Peter Canisius was the administrator of the diocese from 1554 to 1555. Since 1722 Vienna is the seat of an archbishop, and since the mid-19th century, it is common that the Archbishop of Vienna be elevated to cardinal.

Cardinal Schönborn /, Franz Josef Rupprecht

Our Archbishop

was born at Skalken in 1945, made his profession as a Dominican in 1964. Since 1995 he has been Archbishop of Vienna and since 1998 Schönborn has been Cardinal.


Did you know that  ...


...the Archdiocese of Vienna is the largest diocese in Austria with 1,301,570 million Catholics.

... about 175,000 Catholics celebrate weekly the Sunday Mass.


... the Archdiocese is divided into three territorial Vicariates (two in Lower Austria, one in Vienna) with 54 deaneries and 660 parishes.


... 1,195 priests, 170 deacons, 242 pastoral assistants and 1,800 religion teachers are working in the archdiocese.


... the highest Church in the Archdiocese of Vienna in terms of elevation is the Elizabeth Chapel on the Schneeberg mountain at 1796 metres.

... there are 238 monasteries in the Archdiocese of Vienna. the territory of the Archdiocese of Vienna there are 98 Catholic schools and 142 church kindergartens in operation.


The english-speaking community



Confessors who offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation in English:



Erzdiözese Wien
Wollzeile 2

A-1010 Vienna

tel. +43/1/515 52 -0

fax. +43/1/515 52 -2776


Contact – Press Office:

Erzdiözese Wien
Stephansplatz 4

A-1010 Vienna

tel. +43/1/515 52 -3571

fax. +43/1/515 52 -2776


Wollzeile 2
1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 51552 - 0

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